Oncology & Cancer

Brain tumors may be new targets of Ebola-like virus

Brain tumors are notoriously difficult for most drugs to reach, but Yale researchers have found a promising but unlikely new ally against brain cancers—portions of a deadly virus similar to Ebola.


Reviving drugs with anti-stroke potential, minus side effects

In the 1990s, neuroscientists identified a class of drugs that showed promise in the area of stroke. NMDA receptor antagonists could limit damage to the brain in animal models of stroke. But one problem complicated testing ...


Study finds traumatic brain injury treatment is ineffective

More than 1.7 million people in the U.S. alone suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year, often resulting in permanent disabilities or death. Up to half of these patients will experience progression of bleeding inside ...


Video: Physician warns that with a stroke, 'time equals brain'

Dr. José Biller, chair of Neurology and a stroke specialist, explains that both his parents died of vascular diseases, his father of a heart attack and his mother of a brain hemorrhage. He thinks this influenced his decision ...


A tool to better screen and treat aneurysm patients

New research by an international consortium, including a researcher from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, may help physicians better understand the chronological development of a brain aneurysm.

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