
'Body hack' app by math researchers shortcuts jet-lag recovery

A different kind of jet-lag mobile app released today by University of Michigan mathematicians reveals previously unknown shortcuts that can help travelers snap their internal clocks to new time zones as efficiently as possible.


Simple changes in ICU can help heart attack patients

To improve recovery for heart attack patients, hospitals should maintain normal day and night cycles for those patients during the first few days after the attack, say University of Guelph researchers.

Medical research

Resetting the metabolic clock

We've all heard about circadian rhythm, the roughly 24-hour oscillations of biological processes that occur in many living organisms. Yet for all its influence in many aspects of our lives—from sleep to immunity and, particularly, ...

Medical research

The internal clock and feeding rhythm set the pace of the liver

Living organisms have adapted to the day-night cycle and, in most cases, they have evolved a "circadian clock". Its effects are not completely known yet but its functioning has been shown to have important metabolic consequences ...

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