Psychology & Psychiatry

A simple strategy to improve your mood in 12 minutes

We all have a remedy – a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate – for lifting our spirits when we're in a bad mood. Rather than focusing on ways to make ourselves feel better, a team of Iowa State University researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media use increases depression and loneliness

The link between the two has been talked about for years, but a causal connection had never been proven. For the first time, University of Pennsylvania research based on experimental data connects Facebook, Snapchat, and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where you live might influence how you measure up against your peers

Social comparison is one of the most ubiquitous features of human social life and a fundamental aspect of human cognition. The human tendency to look to others for information about how to think, feel and behave has provided ...


Getting patients to shop for health care is a tough sell

Americans extol price shopping for health care as a prudent idea, yet few actually do it even when given the means to, according to the findings of two separate studies led by investigators at Harvard Medical School.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links Facebook use to depressive symptoms

The social media site, Facebook, can be an effective tool for connecting with new and old friends. However, some users may find themselves spending quite a bit of time viewing Facebook and may inevitably begin comparing what's ...

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