
The wrong first step to revive athletes in cardiac arrest

About three million people have viewed the YouTube video of the death of American collegiate basketball player Hank Gathers from cardiac arrest during a game in 1990. The sequence of the events clearly shows the that for ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Do compression garments facilitate muscle recovery after exercise?

Compression garments are an elastic cloth fitting that people wear on their arms, legs, or hips during or after physical exercise. Their use has gained popularity over the last few decades because they are thought to enhance ...


Neurosurgeons use adult stem cells to grow neck vertebrae

Neurosurgery researchers at UC Davis Health System have used a new, leading-edge stem cell therapy to promote the growth of bone tissue following the removal of cervical discs -- the cushions between the bones in the neck ...


Compression suits provide competitive advantage

To be the best, athletes are always searching for a competitive edge on and off the playing field. A new study by Professor of Kinesiology William Kraemer of the Neag School of Education shows that wearing a full-body compression ...


5 steps for lifesaving CPR

More than 350,000 people had sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital in 2017. Those who received CPR were two to three times more likely to survive.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Treatment of varicose veins

"Varicose veins" is a term commonly used to describe visible leg veins. But true varicose veins are dilated and very prominent. Small varicose veins may not be a problem, but as varicose veins worsen they become distended ...

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