Radiology & Imaging

Children who play baseball risk elbow injury, researchers say

Youth baseball players are prone to elbow pain and injuries, including repetitive overuse changes and fractures, based on the maturity of their bones, according to a new study being presented today at the annual meeting of ...


Q and A: Just a little tug can cause nursemaid's elbow

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a 2-year-old daughter who loves to swing in between my husband and me as we walk. But a friend told me that wasn't safe because she could develop nursemaid's elbow. Can you explain the condition?

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The human elbow is the region surrounding the elbow-joint—the ginglymus or hinge joint in the middle of the arm. Three bones form the elbow joint: the humerus of the upper arm, and the paired radius and ulna of the forearm.

The bony prominence at the very tip of the elbow is the olecranon process of the ulna, and the inner aspect of the elbow is called the antecubital fossa.

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