Psychology & Psychiatry

Reading for pleasure strengthens memory in older adults

Baseball may be America's favorite pastime, but in rankings of the most popular hobbies, reading is more consistently ranked highly. It's not hard to see why: reading is simultaneously engaging and relaxing, and it's fun ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study provides evidence of biological roots of partisan views

Brain scans of people taken while they performed various tasks—and even did nothing—accurately predicted whether they were politically conservative or liberal, according to the largest study of its kind.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows exercise can help older adults retain their memories

We all know exercise is good for us, but that still leaves plenty of questions. How much exercise? Who benefits the most? And when in our lives? New research led by University of Pittsburgh psychologists pools data from dozens ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Magnetic stimulation of the brain can improve episodic memory

Memories of past events and experiences are what define us as who we are, and yet the ability to form these episodic memories declines with age, certain dementias, and brain injury. However, a study publishing in the open ...

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