Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology museum explores what makes us human

Wonder Woman's striking visage on large, bright screens just inside the new National Museum of Psychology tells visitors there's more here than dusty books and esoteric curiosities.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Belief in conspiracy theories associated with vaccine skepticism

People who believe Princess Diana was murdered or that John F. Kennedy's assassination was an elaborate plot are more likely to think that vaccines are unsafe, despite scientific evidence to the contrary, according to research ...

Overweight & Obesity

Our fight with fat—why is obesity getting worse?

Gyms across the country will be packed in the new year with people sticking, however briefly, to their New Year's resolution to lose weight. Most of them do not know that the cards are stacked against them and that weight ...


JFK's back problems—a new look

"Camelot," the term used to describe the John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) presidency after JFK's death, conjures up an image of youth and vigor, an image the 35th president of the U.S. promoted of himself as a young, healthy, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychological benefits – and traps – of nostalgia

In his song "Time Was," counterculture singer Phil Ochs reminisces about a past "when a man could build a home, have a family of his own. The peaceful years would flow; he could watch his children grow. But it was a long ...


The fascinating history of hiccups

If you've ever had a friend try to scare your hiccups away, you know how annoying and useless it is. A few years ago, it even proved deadly for a Texas man when a buddy who claims he was just trying to startle the victim ...

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