Psychology & Psychiatry

Pleasant smells increase facial attractiveness

New research from the Monell Chemical Senses Center reveals that women's faces are rated as more attractive in the presence of pleasant odors. In contrast, odor pleasantness had less effect on the evaluation of age. The findings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Speed appeal: Top male cyclists rated more attractive

Women rate top male endurance cyclists more attractive than lower-ranked ones even without knowing who they are, a finding that sheds light on the mating game, a scientist said Wednesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Time flies when you are... looking at an unattractive face

The common expression 'time flies when you're having fun' suggests that people's perception of duration is moderated by the impact of their emotions and the activities they are performing; in other words, emotions such as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A woman's face drives relationship length: study

Men looking for a quick fling prefer women with more "feminine" facial features, said a study Friday that delved into the evolutionary determinants of the mating game.

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