Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Outbreaks from animals in Africa surge by 60% in last decade

The number of outbreaks of diseases that jumped from animals to humans in Africa has surged by more than 60% in the last decade, the World Health Organization said, a worrying sign the planet could face increased animal-borne ...

Medical research

Pigs grow new liver in lymph nodes, study shows

Hepatocytes—the chief functional cells of the liver—are natural regenerators, and the lymph nodes serve as a nurturing place where they can multiply. In a new study published online and appearing in a coming issue of ...

Medical research

How do whales fight off cancer?

Oxford University epidemiologist Richard Peto was puzzled by a paradox: If cancer is a function of individual cells going haywire, wouldn't an organism with a lot more cells, say a whale, have a greater chance of getting ...


Team studies smarter automatic defibrillator

Thousands of patients with congestive heart failure benefit from automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators (AICDs) that deliver shocks to the heart to correct abnormal heart rhythms. These defibrillators improve survival ...

Oncology & Cancer

Of mice and men

The use of carefully chosen animal models often underlies crucial medical advances. A perfect example is provided by the recent demonstration that a known drug, imatinib, can be used to treat a rare but highly aggressive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Veterinarians donate vital supplies to coronavirus fight

Veterinary hospitals are donating breathing machines, masks, gowns and other vital equipment and supplies purchased with Fido in mind, but now being redeployed to help doctors fight the spread of COVID-19 among humans.

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