Medical research

The next generation of antibiotics might be right under our feet

The discovery of a new antibiotic called teixobactin was announced by international team of researchers, in January this year. It is the most significant new antibiotic to be discovered in more than 30 years, and it may help ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tuberculosis and Parkinson's disease linked by unique protein

A protein at the center of Parkinson's disease research now also has been found to play a key role in causing the destruction of bacteria that cause tuberculosis, according to scientists led by UC San Francisco microbiologist ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New moms and obese people risk complications from influenza

Although up to 500,000 people world-wide die of severe influenza each year, there has been no clear evidence about who is susceptible for influenza complications and it may not be who people think, says a study from McMaster ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO: Scientific red tape mars efforts vs. virus

International efforts to combat a new pneumonia-like virus that has now killed 22 people are being slowed by unclear rules and competition for the potentially profitable rights to disease samples, the head of the World Health ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Could adaptable bacteria cause repeat urinary tract infections?

(HealthDay)—Women suffering from recurring urinary tract infections may carry a particularly hearty strain of E. coli bacteria that flourishes in both the gut and the bladder, and can migrate back and forth despite repeated ...

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A microbiologist is a scientist who works in the field of microbiology. Microbiologists study organisms called microbes. Microbes can take the form of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists. One of the microbiologists main research aim is to find out how microbes affect the world around them.

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