
New images capture unseen details of the synapse

Scientists have created one of the most detailed 3D images of the synapse, the important juncture where neurons communicate with each other through an exchange of chemical signals. These nanometer-scale models will help scientists ...


A three-photon microscope for capturing deep-brain images

A research team at China's Peking University has made a new breakthrough in multiphoton microscopy by developing a miniature three-photon microscope that has successfully captured deep-brain images of freely moving mice.


Why are sounds not perceived under anesthesia?

The purpose of anesthesia is to put the brain into an unconscious state in which stimuli such as sounds are not perceived. In this state, the neurons in the auditory cortex are still stimulated by sounds, but the latter are ...

Biomedical technology

New imaging technique may boost research in biology, neuroscience

Microscopists have long sought to find a way to produce high-quality, deep-tissue imaging of living subjects in a timely fashion. Until now, they had to choose between image quality or speed when it comes to looking into ...