
Reactivating aging stem cells in the brain

As people get older, their neural stem cells lose the ability to proliferate and produce new neurons, leading to a decline in memory function. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now discovered a mechanism linked ...


The brain may actively forget during dream sleep

Rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep is a fascinating period when most of our dreams are made. Now, in a study of mice, a team of Japanese and U.S. researchers show that it may also be a time when the brain actively forgets. ...


After 10-year search, scientists find second 'short sleep' gene

After a decade of searching, the UC San Francisco scientists who identified the only human gene known to promote "natural short sleep"—lifelong, nightly sleep that lasts just four to six hours yet leaves individuals feeling ...


Why ketamine is a speedster antidepressant

Ketamine is the speedster of antidepressants, working within hours compared to more common antidepressants that can take several weeks. But ketamine can only be given for a limited amount of time because of its many side ...


Alzheimer research: Noise-inducing neurons shut down memories

Neurons that are responsible for new experiences interfere with the signals of neurons that contain memories and thereby disturb the recall of memories—at least in mice. The research group of Martin Fuhrmann of the German ...

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