Largest HIV transmission study conducted

A new study has found that neither gay men nor heterosexual people with HIV transmit the virus to their partner, provided they are on suppressive antiretroviral treatment.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mate-choice copying in humans – are all the taken men good?

A new study by researchers from the Universities of St Andrews, Durham, Exeter and Arizona State finds that men get an 'attractiveness boost' from being chosen by others – but so do abstract works of art.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Perinatal psychiatry, birth trauma and perinatal PTSD

It is now blatantly clear that a woman's increased vulnerability to developing PTSD is closely linked to that fact that, when compared to a man, she is much more likely to be the victim of the toxic traumas of childhood sexual ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough reported

The CUNY School of Medicine at The City College of New York and TechnoVax, Inc., a biotechnology developer of novel vaccines, announce a breakthrough in their collaborative effort to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. Scientists ...

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