
My brain made me do it, but does that matter?

Imagine that Brian promises to drive you to the airport but never shows up, and you miss your flight. When you confront Brian, he tells you that he remembered his promise but decided to watch a movie instead. Would you be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

American, Nepalese children disagree on social obligations with age

Preschoolers universally recognize that one's choices are not always free – that our decisions may be constrained by social obligations to be nice to others or follow rules set by parents or elders, even when wanting to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

American, Nepalese kids a world apart on social duties

(Medical Xpress)—Preschoolers universally recognize that one's choices are not always free – that our decisions may be constrained by social obligations to be nice to others or follow rules set by parents or elders, even ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The many unexpected sides of romantic love

Love can bring out both the best and the worst in people. Which way it turns depends on the best way to protect the relationship, say researchers studying the evolution of romantic love.