
Research reveals how the human brain might reconstruct past events

When remembering something from our past, we often vividly re-experience the whole episode in which it occurred. New UCL research funded by the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust has now revealed how this might happen ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What do infants remember when they forget?

Six-month-old babies are severely limited in what they can remember about the objects they see in the world; if you hide several objects from an infant, they will only remember one of those objects with any detail. But a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Skilled workers more prone to mistakes when interrupted

Expertise is clearly beneficial in the workplace, yet highly trained workers in some occupations could actually be at risk for making errors when interrupted, indicates a new study by two Michigan State University psychology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study reveals why men are more forgetful

Science has finally proven what many have long suspected – that men are more forgetful than women. Aston University research has revealed that women are better at remembering to perform and fulfil future tasks and plans.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men forget most: Gender differences in memory

If your husband is absent-minded, forgets your wedding anniversary or the name of your new neighbor, don't worry. You are not the only one with a forgetful man in the house. Even researchers were surprised by how much men ...

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