Mathematicians 'thread the needle' to improve IVF success rates
Mathematicians are using their expertise to improve IVF success rates, according to a new study.
Nov 8, 2023
Mathematicians are using their expertise to improve IVF success rates, according to a new study.
Nov 8, 2023
The incidence of primary involuntary childlessness, the rate of women seeking treatment for infertility, as well as the success rate of assisted reproductive technology all increased in birth cohorts studied from 1916 to ...
Jul 13, 2023
It may be better to let a mild fever run its course instead of automatically reaching for medication, new University of Alberta research suggests.
Mar 14, 2023
How many children an individual may have is influenced by reproductive biology and human behavior, according to the largest study to date, which identifies genetic determinants. The study, led by researchers at the Universities ...
Mar 2, 2023
An artificial intelligence algorithm can determine non-invasively, with about 70 percent accuracy, if an in vitro fertilized embryo has a normal or abnormal number of chromosomes, according to a new study from researchers ...
Dec 20, 2022
Worldwide, around 10 to 15% of couples have fertility problems. Many turn to artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs), most notably IVF (in vitro fertilization), in the hope of having a baby. But the process is fraught ...
Sep 8, 2022
A novel technique to measure the age of male sperm has the potential to predict the success and time it takes to become pregnant, according to a newly published study by researchers at the Wayne State University School of ...
May 13, 2022
New research suggests that genetic variants that damage the genome are associated with reduced reproductive success and an increased likelihood of not having children.
Mar 24, 2022
It's long been known that correctly timing an embryo transfer is critical to the chance of achieving pregnancy.
Aug 24, 2021
An international team of researchers who identified genetic variants associated with reproductive success say their findings could highlight mechanisms underlying fertility and infertility. In addition, their analyses detected ...
Oct 29, 2020
Reproductive success is defined as the passing of genes onto the next generation in a way that they too can pass those genes on. In practice, this is often a tally of the number of offspring produced by an individual. A more correct definition, which incorporates inclusive fitness, is the relative production of fertile offspring by a genotype. For example, the offspring produced as a result of normal mating are an example of reproductive success, because they too can pass their genetic material on to the next generation. Alternatively, the birth of a mule as a result of the mating of a horse and a donkey is not an example of reproductive success because the mule is sterile and thus not able to continue the germ line.
Reproductive success is part of the calculation for fitness and a key element in the theories of natural selection and evolution.
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