Oncology & Cancer

Personalized cancer screening with AI

While mammograms are currently the gold standard in breast cancer screening, swirls of controversy exist: advocates argue for the ability to save lives, (women aged 60 to 69 had a 33 percent lower risk of dying compared to ...

Oncology & Cancer

High rate of false-positives with annual mammogram

During a decade of receiving mammograms, more than half of cancer-free women will be among those summoned back for more testing because of false-positive results, and about one in 12 will be referred for a biopsy.

Oncology & Cancer

Doctors, women should spend more time discussing mammograms

Due to changing guidelines concerning when and how often they should first be screened for breast cancer with mammograms, many women are confused. The American Cancer Society recommends women 40 years and older get a mammogram ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study questions value of mammograms, breast cancer screening

A new study questions the value of mammograms for breast cancer screening. It concludes that a woman is more likely to be diagnosed with a small tumor that is not destined to grow than she is to have a true problem spotted ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mammography is 'imperfect' test

For women today, turning 40 often brings birthday cake and candles. But it also brings a question: Should I get a mammogram?

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