
How one inflammatory disorder exacerbates another

The immune system remembers. Often this memory, primed by past encounters with threats like bacteria or viruses, is an asset. But when that memory is sparked by internal drivers, like chronic inflammation, it can prove detrimental, ...


Nerve cells key to making sense of our senses

The human brain is bombarded with a cacophony of information from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. Now a team of scientists at the University of Rochester, Washington University in St. Louis, and Baylor College of Medicine ...


How the brain constructs the world

How are raw sensory signals transformed into a brain representation of the world that surrounds us? The question was first posed over 100 years ago, but new experimental strategies make the challenge more exciting than ever. ...


Targeting the gut-brain connection can impact immunity

There's a reason it's called a gut feeling. The brain and the gut are connected by intricate neural networks that signal hunger and satiety, love and fear, even safety and danger. These networks employ myriad chemical signals ...


Study finds how the brain controls symptoms of sickness

When someone gets an infection, most people think it's the immune system kicking into gear when they feel some of the body's natural defenses like a fever, chills, or fatigue. What most people don't know is that it's actually ...

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