
Neuroscientists measure fans' reactions to the big game

Like everything else in 2020, Thanksgiving will be different this year. But there will still be football on TV, and if you catch any of the games, your brain will be processing them in ways you're probably unaware of. In ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

When can sports fans safely fill stadiums again?

(HealthDay)—Sports fans are itching to watch their favorite teams return to play, but are jam-packed arenas even remotely safe in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Nations employ drastic tactics to fight microscopic foe

Tens of millions of students stayed home on three continents, security forces went on standby to guard against large gatherings of people, and bars, restaurants and offices closed Friday to slow the spread of the coronavirus ...


Study examines attitudes toward transgender athletes

As several states draft legislation that would force student-athletes to play as their gender identified on their birth certificate instead of on a team that matches their gender identity, a team of political scientists investigated ...


Alcohol ads in sport fuel drinking culture

Repeated exposure to alcohol advertising in sport—either at venues or during media coverage of matches—can have long-term effects on drinking attitudes, according to a new international study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why two people see the same thing but have different memories

Does it ever strike you as odd that you and a friend can experience the same event at the same time, but come away with different memories of what happened? So why is it that people can recall the same thing so differently?

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