
Neuroscientists find evidence for 'visual stereotyping'

The stereotypes we hold can influence our brain's visual system, prompting us to see others' faces in ways that conform to these stereotypes, neuroscientists at New York University have found.


Unlearning implicit social biases during sleep

Can we learn to rid ourselves of our implicit biases regarding race and gender? A new Northwestern University study indicates that sleep may hold an important key to success in such efforts.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Math + good posture = better scores

If you've ever felt like a deer in the headlights before taking a math test or speaking before a large group of people, you could benefit from a simple change in posture. As part of a new study by researchers at San Francisco ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Higher cognitive abilities linked to greater risk of stereotyping

People with higher cognitive abilities are more likely to learn and apply social stereotypes, finds a new study. The results, stemming from a series of experiments, show that those with higher cognitive abilities also more ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men tend to be more narcissistic than women, large study says

With three decades of data from more than 475,000 participants, a new study on narcissism from the University at Buffalo School of Management reveals that men, on average, are more narcissistic than women.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men, women lie about sex to match gender expectations

People will lie about their sexual behavior to match cultural expectations about how men or women should act – even though they wouldn't distort other gender-related behaviors, new research suggests.

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Blood libel · Ethnic cleansing Ethnocide · Gendercide Genocide (examples) Hate crime · Hate speech Lynching · Paternalism · Pogrom Police brutality · Racial profiling Race war · Religious persecution Slavery

Discriminatory Racial/Religious/Sex segregation Apartheid · Group rights · Redlining Internment · Ethnocracy Numerus clausus · Ghetto benches Affirmative action

Anti-discriminatory Emancipation · Civil rights Desegregation · Integration Equal opportunity · Gender equality

Counter-discriminatory Affirmative action · Group rights Racial quota · Reservation (India) Reparation · Forced busing (US) Employment equity (Canada) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)

Discriminatory Anti-miscegenation · Anti-immigration Alien and Sedition Acts · Jim Crow laws Test Act · Apartheid laws Ketuanan Melayu · Nuremberg Laws Diyya · Anti-homelessness legislation LGBT rights by country or territory Anti-discriminatory Anti-discrimination acts · Anti-discrimination law · 14th Amendment · Crime of apartheid CERD · CEDAW · CDE  · ILO C111 · ILO C100

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Bigotry · Diversity · Eugenics · Eurocentrism Multiculturalism · Oppression Political correctness · Prejudice Stereotype · Tolerance

A stereotype is a type of logical oversimplification in which all the members of a class or set are considered to be definable by an easily distinguishable set of characteristics. The term is often used with a negative connotation, as stereotypes can be used to deny individuals respect or legitimacy based on their membership in a particular group. In America, the term has long been associated with the Civil Rights movement and is imbued with a semblance of racial context.

Stereotypes often form the basis of prejudice and are usually employed to explain real or imaginary differences due to race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, socio-economic class, disability, and occupation, among the limitless groups one may be identified with. A stereotype can be a conventional and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image based on the belief that there are attitudes, appearances, or behaviors shared by all members of a group. Stereotypes are forms of social consensus rather than individual judgments. Stereotypes are sometimes formed by a previous illusory correlation, a false association between two variables that are loosely correlated if correlated at all.

The term "stereotype" derives from Greek στερεός (stereos) "solid, firm" + τύπος (tupos) "blow, impression, engraved mark" hence "solid impression". The term, in its modern psychology sense, was first used by Walter Lippmann in his 1922 work Public Opinion although in the printing sense it was first coined 1798.

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