
Sugar boosts cravings for fat, Drosophila study finds

People are eating too much sugar, and research increasingly suggests it is not just impacting metabolism, but also altering the perception of taste. Mattias Alenius' research team at Umeå University discovered that sugar ...

Medical research

How internal clocks control fat metabolism

In the fruit fly Drosophila, circadian clocks also control fat metabolism. This is shown in a new study by a research team at the University of Würzburg. The findings could also be relevant for humans.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Consuming added sugars may increase risk of kidney stones

Between 7% and 15% of people in North America, between 5% and 9% of people in Europe, and between 1% and 5% of people in Asia suffer from kidney stones. Common symptoms are severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and ...

Medical research

Treatment keeps alcoholic monkeys from drinking as much

A hormone produced by the liver called fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) suppresses alcohol consumption in primates, finds a study published February 1 in the journal Cell Metabolism. Vervet monkeys with a strong preference ...

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