
Vaping linked with heart problems

Sophia Antipolis, 30 July 2020: In adolescents the use of e-cigarettes doubles the risk of starting to smoke traditional cigarettes, states a position paper published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, ...


Device helps deliver electronic cigarette vapors for research

The increased use of electronic cigarettes and vaping products has increased the need to better understand how and if addiction to these products is different than in traditional cigarettes. One way to objectively measure ...


Vaping changes oral microbiome, increasing risk for infection

Using e-cigarettes alters the mouth's microbiome—the community of bacteria and other microorganisms—and makes users more prone to inflammation and infection, finds a new study led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry.


E-cigarettes take toll on heart health

E-cigarette use takes a toll on heart health—a big concern given the high prevalence of e-cigarettes and perception of e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, according to new, preliminary research ...

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