
Complex environments push 'brain' evolution

Little animations trying to master a computer game are teaching neuroscience researchers how the brain evolves when faced with difficult tasks.


What does the sleeping brain think about?

We sleep, on average, one third of our time. But what does the brain do during these long hours? Using an artificial intelligence approach capable of decoding brain activity during sleep, scientists at the University of Geneva ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is video game addiction real?

For most adolescents, playing video games is an enjoyable and often social form of entertainment. While playing video games is a fun pastime, there is a growing concern that spending too much time playing video games is related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Action video games to fight dyslexia

A study conducted by BCBL, the Basque research center, reveals that action video games improve visual attention and reading ability, two deficits suffered by people with dyslexia. The objective is to use the most useful elements ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games can change your brain

Scientists have collected and summarized studies looking at how video games can shape our brains and behavior. Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and ...

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