Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Word recognition 'could be the key' to early diagnosis of Alzheimer's

Scientists say they have a better understanding of why people with Alzheimer's struggle to recognise and understand words - and their research has the potential to be developed into a test which could help clinicians make ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Our brains process irony in emojis, words in the same way

That winky-face emoji that you use at the end of a text isn't just a fun picture added to your sentence. It can convey linguistic meaning that changes the interpretation of the sentence, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Motherese' important for children's language development

(Medical Xpress) -- Talking to children has always been fundamental to language development, but new research reveals that the way we talk to children is key to building their ability to understand and create sentences of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists determine that 'human thoughts are material'

Researchers of Tomsk State University and New Bulgarian University claim that human thoughts are able to materialize an object. They've published results of their experiments in the article "Remember down, look down, read ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants recognize foreign languages as a form of communication

Infants recognize that speech in a language not their own is used for communication, finds a new psychology study. The results, which appear in the journal Cognition, offer new insights into how language is processed at a ...

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A word is the smallest free form (an item that may be uttered in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content) in a language, in contrast to a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of meaning. A word may consist of only one morpheme (e.g. cat), but a single morpheme may not be able to exist as a free form (e.g. the English plural morpheme -s).

Typically, a word will consist of a root or stem, and zero or more affixes. Words can be combined to create other units of language, such as phrases, clauses, and/or sentences. A word consisting of two or more stems joined together form a compound. A word combined with an already existing word or part of a word form a portmanteau.

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