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Quebec announced Monday that it is closing bars, cinemas, gyms and spas because of a record number of coronavirus cases in the Canadian province. Sporting events will be closed to spectators.

Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé also said restaurants must close by 10 p.m. nightly.

The new measures come on top of last week's decision to restrict restaurants and bars to 50% capacity.

Quebec reported 4,571 COVID-19 cases on Monday, a new single day record since the beginning of the pandemic.

Starting Tuesday, and high schools will be closed to in-person learning until Jan. 10, though the facilities will be used for for vaccinations or distributing to students.

Spectators will not be permitted to attend professional or amateur , though the NHL's Montreal Canadiens already had played a recent game before empty stands.

Remote work, which before was recommended by authorities, will now be mandatory where possible.