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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neuroscientists explore the intersection of music and memory

The soundtrack of this story begins with a vaguely recognizable and pleasant groove. But if I stop writing and just listen for a second, the music reveals itself completely. In Freddie Hubbard's comfortable, lilting trumpet ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Music study links dulled emotional reactions in anhedonia with prolonged activity of the brain's attentional networks

Anhedonia-related emotional blunting is linked with abnormally sustained activity in brain areas responsible for attention. Researchers at the Department of Neuroimaging at the IoPPN used music to study the relationship between ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How hope beats mindfulness when times are tough

A recent study finds that hope appears to be more beneficial than mindfulness at helping people manage stress and stay professionally engaged during periods of prolonged stress at work. The study underscores the importance ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Developing a comprehensive metric for worker well-being

The definition of worker well-being in the modern workplace has expanded beyond wages and material wealth to include elements of psychological wealth, such as job motivation and interpersonal relationships.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Older adults in Illinois at increased risk for suicide

Nearly 20% of suicides in Illinois between 2020 and 2021 were among people 65 years and older, according to recently released data from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. The suicides disproportionately ...