(HealthDay)—Oral intake of Boesenbergia pandurata (B. pandurata) extract improves skin hydration, gloss, and wrinkling, according to a study published online April 18 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

Do Un Kim, Ph.D., from Newtree Co. Ltd. in Sungnam, South Korea, and colleagues investigated the clinical efficacy of B. pandurata intake on , gloss, , and elasticity in 92 patients randomly assigned to receive B. pandurata ethanol extract (BPE) tablets (containing 8 percent of panduratin A) or placebo for 12 weeks.

The researchers found that the test group had significantly increased skin hydration and gloss and decreased wrinkling compared with the at the end of the study period. While there was no significant difference in skin elasticity between the two groups, the increment rate in the test group was higher than that in the placebo group. No participants reported adverse symptoms.

"These results suggest that BPE can be used as a nutraceutical or nutricosmetic material for improving human skin hydration, gloss, and wrinkling," the authors write.

One author is employed by Newtree Co. Ltd., which manufactures the BPE powder used in the study.