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The American College of Physicians (ACP) said today that, in agreement with recent recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) masks should be required in schools as part of a comprehensive public health strategy to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

"As a country, we have all been watching the number of COVID-19 cases rising precipitously over the past month. We need to ensure that we are availing ourselves of the available to us to combat this spread," said George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA, president, ACP. "This should include requiring all individuals, students, teachers, and staff, to wear in schools."

Earlier this year ACP issued a Policy Statement on Wearing Masks in Community Settings. That policy recommended that governors require the wearing of masks in public facilities in their respective states, including schools. This recommendation is in agreement with guidance on masks in AAP's COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools.

"Masks are a key public health tool in keeping everyone in our communities safe," continued Dr. Abraham. "Especially with such a large segment of our schools' populations unable to yet access COVID-19 vaccines, masks remain a necessity in our fight to control the COVID-19 pandemic."