A single dose revaccination strategy for infants of mothers infected with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) reduces costs compared to the typical three-dose strategy, according to a study from researchers at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. The single dose strategy is recommended for those not responding to the initial vaccine series.

Infants born to mothers infected with HBsAg face an increased risk of infection and the development of . A three-dose vaccine series is available to prevent these from becoming infected with HBsAg and can be up to 98 percent effective in preventing infection in infants. Not all infants receive the initial vaccine series in a timely manner and remain unprotected after the initial vaccine series.

Lead researcher Eric Hall, Ph.D., of Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health evaluated a decision-analytical model to compare revaccination strategies for infants who do not develop protection after the initial series. The model utilized a cost analysis to compare a single-dose revaccination to the previously recommended three-dose strategy.

"The results from this model allowed us to recommend a strategy that will save resources and potentially reduce the number of vaccine doses given to infants who need revaccination," explains Hall. "It also ensures that as many infants as possible are protected from hepatitis B infection."

The full article is available in the online edition of Public Health Reports.

Provided by Emory University