(HealthDay)—If you love exercise, one of the hardest parts of suffering an injury is being sidelined. But if you take the time to heal a sprain or strain correctly, you'll get back in the game faster.

First, understand your to treat it appropriately. A sprain affects ligaments, the bands of tissue that connect bones at a joint. A strain is damage to muscle and the fibers that attach it to bone.

Both injuries are classified from first-degree (the mildest) to third-degree (the most severe). Resist minimizing your injury. If you're in a lot of pain or can't put weight on a limb, call your doctor. Getting the right treatment is essential for a full and healthy recovery. You might need a splint, protective pad or brace, or crutches.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, treatment starts with an approach called PRICE, a variation of RICE, to limit swelling and speed healing.

"PRICE" steps include:

  • Protect against any further injury.
  • Restrict activity for 48 to 72 hours.
  • Ice the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every 60 to 90 minutes.
  • Compress the area with an elastic bandage or other compression aid.
  • Elevate the injured area to minimize swelling.

The next stage usually includes gentle movement of the muscle or joint, mild resistance exercise, and a very gradual return to your favorite activity.

Depending on the location of the injury, you may be able to do some form of cardio, like walking, using a , swimming, or walking or running in water. Working with a physical therapist can keep you on the correct rehab track.

What you should never do is " through the ." Pain is your body's way of telling you something's not right and needs attention.

More information: The American College of Sports Medicine has more on sprains and strains to help you recover effectively.