
Superfine merino wool good for kids with eczema

A clinical trial led by the Murdoch Children's Research Institute is challenging the myth that wool is a possible source of allergy and irritates the skin for eczema sufferers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New eczema drug promising in early trial

(HealthDay)—An experimental drug may significantly reduce the itching and improve the appearance of moderate to severe eczema, a new, preliminary trial finds.


Eczema may leave some flu shots less effective, study finds

(HealthDay)—It's still flu season, and not too late to get your flu shot. But a new study suggests that people with eczema should request the vaccine be given into the muscle, rather than just under the skin.


Protecting babies from eczema with low-cost Vaseline

What if it was possible to prevent your child from getting eczema—a costly, inflammatory skin disorder—just by applying something as inexpensive as petroleum jelly every day for the first six months of his or her life?


Eczema's effects more than skin deep

(HealthDay)—People dealing with the itchy skin condition known as eczema may have other medical conditions to cope with as well, including heart disease, a dermatologist says.

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