Medical research

Reversing hearing loss with regenerative therapy

Most of us know someone affected by hearing loss, but we may not fully appreciate the hardships that lack of hearing can bring. Hearing loss can lead to isolation, frustration, and a debilitating ringing in the ears known ...


Why we look at the puppet, not the ventriloquist

(Medical Xpress)—As ventriloquists have long known, your eyes can sometimes tell your brain where a sound is coming from more convincingly than your ears can.


How hearing affects your brain health

People who are having difficulty following conversations or are developing issues with memory and thinking skills may want to get their hearing checked. Age-related hearing loss may be linked to an increased risk of cognitive ...


How the brain processes musical hallucinations

A woman with an "iPod in her head" has helped scientists at Newcastle University and University College London identify the areas of the brain that are affected when patients experience a rare condition called musical hallucinations.


Review: Etymotic Bean is one step from hearing aid

The loss of hearing can be a touchy subject. Want to find out? Try suggesting a hearing checkup for your mother, father or spouse. If my experience is any indication, you'll probably get ignored, but only after they ask you ...

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