Obstetrics & gynaecology

Adverse pregnancy outcomes up for women with psoriasis

(HealthDay)—Pregnancies in women with psoriasis have an increased risk for adverse outcomes, including preeclampsia and stillbirth, according to a study published online Nov. 18 in the Journal of Dermatology.

Radiology & Imaging

Portable MRI can detect brain abnormalities at bedside

A new portable MRI device detected specific brain abnormalities in 29 of 30 patients taken to Yale New Haven Hospital's neuroscience intensive care unit after presenting with symptoms of stroke and other neurological disorders, ...


High-dose erythropoietin no benefit for extreme preemies

(HealthDay)—For extremely preterm infants, high-dose erythropoietin treatment from 24 hours after birth does not result in a reduced risk for severe neurodevelopmental impairment or death at age 2 years, according to a ...

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