Oncology & Cancer

Combining immunotherapies against cancer

A new cancer vaccine could boost the positive effects of existing immunotherapy drugs, improving the success rate of treatments from 20% to 75% of cases, according to a new study by immunologists from the University of Konstanz. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding familiar pathways in kidney cancer

p53 is the most famous cancer gene, not least because it's involved in causing over 50% of all cancers. When a cell loses its p53 gene—when the gene becomes mutated—it unleashes many processes that lead to the uncontrolled ...

Oncology & Cancer

Immune outposts inside kidney tumors predict post-surgery outcomes

The immune system establishes "forward operating bases", or lymph node-like structures, inside the tumors of some patients with kidney and other urologic cancers, researchers at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University ...

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