Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


Research team finds new explanatory approach for pedophilia

Why some adults develop a sexual interest in children is scientifically not yet fully understood. A research team from the Institute of Sexual Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Kiel University and the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

One hour of video gaming can increase the brain's ability to focus

Researchers have demonstrated that just one hour spent playing video games has an effect on the brain. The research team found changes in brain activity and increased performance on tests of visual selective activity in subjects ...


Dance your way to a healthier aging brain

(HealthDay)—Dance classes may beat traditional exercise when it comes to improving older adults' balance—and it might enhance brain areas related to memory and learning along the way.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mind wandering is common during driving

Researchers in the United States have investigated mind wandering in volunteers during a driving simulation. When prompted at random during the simulation, the volunteers reported mind wandering 70% of the time. Using electrophysiological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Yoga and meditation improve mind-body health and stress resilience

Many people report positive health effects from practicing yoga and meditation, and experience both mental and physical benefits from these practices. However, we still have much to learn about how exactly these practices ...


Our brains do change from early to mid-adulthood

Scientists in China have found that significant microstructural changes occur in the brain from early to mid-adulthood, allowing them to accurately estimate an individual's age from their brain structure. The findings are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do all people experience similar near-death-experiences?

No one really knows what happens when we die, but many people have stories to tell about what they experienced while being close to death. People who have had a near-death-experience usually report very rich and detailed ...


Study reveals most impactful neuroscience research

A study of the 100 most-cited neuroscience articles has revealed that 78 of these papers cover five topics, including neurological disorders, the prefrontal cortex, brain connectivity, brain mapping and methodology studies. ...

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