Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Springer Science+Business Media Springer
1971 - present
Impact factor
3.348 (2008), Subject category "Psychology, developmental": Rank 9 of 55 ()

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Autism spectrum disorders

Is eye movement in autism tied to facial recognition?

Some teenagers with autism use a different set of eye-movement patterns from their non-autistic counterparts while recognizing faces, according to James McPartland, Ph.D., Harris Professor in the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Motor skills, sensory features differ in autism with, without ADHD

Motor skills and sensory features differ for children with autism with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study published online March 5 in the Journal of Autism and Developmental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't trust TikTok for trustworthy info on autism

TikTok may be great for watching funny cat videos and learning make-up hacks, but new research suggests this platform should not be trusted when it comes to information on autism.

Autism spectrum disorders

Can we trust autism information on TikTok? Not always, says study

While social media can be a great resource for connecting with others, it can also quickly and easily spread misleading or inaccurate information in mass. Social media platforms, especially the popular TikTok app, have allowed ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?

Females are often underdiagnosed with being on the autism spectrum because they often mask their symptoms more successfully than males. The key to understanding why may be in a simple eye exam.

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