
Overweight & Obesity

Timing of exercise may be key to successful weight loss

In a study of 375 adults who have successfully maintained weight loss and who engage in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity, most reported consistency in the time of day that they exercised, with early morning ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Obesity may impact mortality in COVID-19 patients

Reports coming in from COVID-19 patients in Italy and China, as well as data from the H1N1 influenza pandemic, suggest that obesity is likely a pre-existing condition that can exacerbate COVID-19, researchers in the George ...

Overweight & Obesity

Many 'dehumanize' people with obesity

(HealthDay)—Many people—including those who are overweight themselves—view people with obesity as less human or less evolved, new research reveals.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Home-based lifestyle intervention minimizes maternal weight gain

Weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum are important causes of long-term weight gain and the development of obesity-related diseases among women. A new, interdisciplinary study from Washington University in St. Louis ...

Overweight & Obesity

Metabolic adaptation delays time to reach weight-loss goals

In women who are premenopausal with overweight, metabolic adaptation after a 16% weight loss increases the length of time necessary to achieve weight-loss goals, according to a study published online in Obesity. The present ...

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