Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passion is the biggest key to success

"For people who are the best of the best in their field, passion is absolutely the biggest factor. It's the essential key to success," says Hermundur Sigmundsson, a professor in NTNU's Department of Psychology.


Patient involvement after acute heart attacks

Minutes count when you have a heart attack. Patient involvement is a statutory right but not always possible in this situation. Elise K. BÃ¥rdsgjerde has researched participation in the different phases of the patient process ...


Long-term follow-up reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an inherited disease, but habits can affect the risk of getting it. Obesity due to fatty and high-calorie foods, often in combination with limited activity, increases the risk considerably.


An open-source miniature brain microscope

"Our dream was to invent a window into the brain, so we could see what happens inside when we're thinking, planning, feeling, and remembering," says Professor May-Britt Moser, describing conversations she and her long-term ...


Do men and women respond differently to heat stress?

According to science, women feel the cold more than men. But how do women respond to heat stress compared with men? The answer to this question may help us to make better protective clothing for firefighters of both sexes.


Researchers discover more about what causes atherosclerosis

The underlying cause of many cardiovascular diseases is inflammation of the artery walls. Now NTNU researchers have found that a specific neurotransmitter in the immune cells is a key factor when cholesterol accumulates in ...

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