Society for Research in Child Development


Playing school sports affects youths' smoking

Young people's choices about using drugs and alcohol are influenced by peers—not only close friends, but also sports teammates. A new study of middle schoolers and their social networks has found that teammates' smoking ...


Unraveling the gene-environment interaction

A special issue of the journal Child Development reports on studies that take important new steps in understanding how genes and the environment interact in shaping child behavior.


Differential parenting found to affect whole family

Parents act differently with different children—for example, being more positive with one child and more negative with another. A new longitudinal study has found that this behavior negatively affects not only the child ...


Study: Natural disaster affects children's schooling years later

The social disruption that results from natural disasters often interrupts children's schooling. However, we know little about how children's learning is affected in the years after a disaster. A new study looked at changes ...

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