Page 14 - Society of Nuclear Medicine


Opti-SPECT/PET/CT: Five different imaging systems now combined

Taking their pick, biomedical researchers can now conduct five different imaging studies in one scan with a state-of-the-art preclinical molecular imaging system that scientists unveiled during the Society of Nuclear Medicine ...


PET/MR is superior for verifying coronary arterial disease

Ischemic heart disease, a narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the heart, is a leading cause of death throughout the world. A hybrid molecular imaging technique called positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance ...


Stem cell-stimulating therapy saves heart attack patients

Researchers at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging's 2014 Annual Meeting revealed how a protein encourages the production of stem cells that regenerate damaged tissues of the heart following an acute attack ...

Oncology & Cancer

Presurgical SPECT/CT shows more cancer than current standard

Startling data from an international multi-center trial provide growing evidence that sentinel node imaging is more effectively accomplished with hybrid functional imaging with single photon emission computed tomography and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Molecular imaging finds novel way to knock down breast cancer

For years researchers have been developing molecular imaging techniques that visualize hormonally active breast cancer cells—specifically those testing positive for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). A recent ...

Oncology & Cancer

PSMA-based imaging traces even treatment-resistant prostate cancer

Anti-androgen hormonal therapy, also called chemical castration, can be an important defense against further disease progression for patients with prostate cancer that has traveled and grown in other areas, or metastasized—but ...

Oncology & Cancer

Molecular breast imaging protocol unmasks more cancer

Patients with advanced breast cancer that may have spread to their lymph nodes could benefit from a more robust dose of a molecular imaging agent called Tc-99m filtered sulfur colloid when undergoing lymphoscintigraphy, a ...

Oncology & Cancer

A few circulating cancer cells could cue risk of metastases

A simple noninvasive blood test matched with state-of-the-art molecular imaging of individual cells could help oncologists understand their patients' chances of survival, say researchers at the Society of Nuclear Medicine ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Molecular imaging gets to the root of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis causes chronic pain for almost half of adults by the time they retire, but a new molecular imaging technique can visualize inflammation in the joints, giving doctors a clear read on chronic pain and possible ...


Preoperative PET cuts unnecessary lung surgeries in half

New quantitative data suggests that 30 percent of the surgeries performed for non-small cell lung cancer patients in a community-wide clinical study were deemed unnecessary. Additionally, positron emission tomography (PET) ...

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