The Ohio State University


Women achieving childbearing desires drives contraception use

The increased use of contraception in many countries is not because more women at any moment want to delay pregnancy or have no further children. Instead, it is because contraception is helping more women achieve their childbearing ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Good news on blocking a virus considered a global threat

Scientists have reported good news on the pandemic preparedness front: A cocktail of four manufactured antibodies is effective at neutralizing a virus from the Henipavirus family, a group of pathogens considered to be a global ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study provides evidence of biological roots of partisan views

Brain scans of people taken while they performed various tasks—and even did nothing—accurately predicted whether they were politically conservative or liberal, according to the largest study of its kind.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Latent learning occurs without any explicit teaching

Long before they enter a classroom, people learn to identify commonplace objects like a "dog" and a "chair" just by encountering them in everyday life, with no intent to learn about what they are.

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