The Ohio State University


Misophonia is more than just hating the sound of chewing

Researchers for the first time have identified the parts of the brain involved in a less-commonly studied trigger of misophonia, a condition associated with an extreme aversion to certain sounds.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Fewer rural early-onset Alzheimer's patients see specialists

Rural Americans suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's are less likely than city dwellers to be seen by specialists and receive tests that can benefit both them and their families, new research has found.


Green tea extract promotes gut health, lowers blood sugar

New research in people with a cluster of heart disease risk factors has shown that consuming green tea extract for four weeks can reduce blood sugar levels and improve gut health by lowering inflammation and decreasing "leaky ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How vaccine-related fears affect the flu shot experience

A novel long-term study of how vaccine-related fears influence flu shot outcomes has found that these fears not only reduce vaccination, but also fuel symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness at the time of the injection.

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