University of Connecticut

Medical research

Study shows positive results for herpes vaccine

(Medical Xpress) -- A therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of genital herpes has shown positive results in studies in a number of animal models and in a small randomized clinical study. The results are published in two ...


Hearing speech requires quiet— in more ways than one

Perceiving speech requires quieting certain types of brain cells, report a team of researchers from UConn Health and University of Rochester in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology. Their research reveals a ...


Yoga helps preserve muscle mass in older women, study says

A new study by the University of Connecticut finds that practicing yoga may improve protein utilization among older women, and lead to the maintenance of muscle at a time in life when muscle loss is common.

Medical research

Even damaged livers can handle life-saving medication

When you ingest a drug—whether over-the-counter Tylenol or medication prescribed by a doctor—your liver is your body's first responder. And just like other first responders, sometimes the liver gets hurt. Doctors used ...


Meat, multiple sclerosis and the microbiome

Eating more meat, having less of certain bacteria in the gut, and more of certain immune cells in the blood, all link with multiple sclerosis, reports a team of researchers led by UConn Health and Washington University School ...

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