Page 4 - University of the West of England

Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-help app for anxiety goes global

Anxiety is one of the most common problems in health centres and counselling services. The chances are that in a group of 10 people, up to two will suffer from moderate to severe anxiety.


'Hung-over driving' as dangerous as drunk driving

A hangover following a night of heavy drinking can impair driving performance as much as driving under the influence of alcohol, according to new research by Associate Professor Chris Alford of the University of the West ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Patients with schizophrenia benefit from 'adherence therapy'

(Medical Xpress)—More than half of all patients suffering from schizophrenia do not take antipsychotic medication as prescribed, although this is essential for their effective treatment, according to research published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is social anxiety a hidden disability for university students?

(Medical Xpress) -- Students are often expected to speak knowledgably in front of groups of unfamiliar people as part of their education. The assessment of student presentations contributes to degree grading, and employers ...

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