
Oxytocin could help treat alcohol use disorder

The neuropeptide oxytocin blocks enhanced drinking in alcohol-dependent rats, according to a study published April 16 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology led by Drs. Tunstall, Koob and Vendruscolo of the National Institutes ...


Anti-alcoholism drug shows promise in animal models

Scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have successfully tested in animals a drug that, they say, may one day help block the withdrawal symptoms and cravings that incessantly coax people with alcoholism to drink. ...

Medical research

Protein controls both alcohol craving and organ damage

What if there was a drug that could simultaneously curb a person's craving for alcohol while also protecting their heart and liver from alcohol's damaging effects? While an actual pill that can do this might be a ways off, ...


Enhanced brain acetate metabolism may reward heavy drinkers

In addition to its well-known effects on the CNS, alcohol consumption has a significant impact on metabolism. After consumption, the body rapidly begins converting ethanol to acetate, which can serve as an energy source for ...


Tendency to binge drinking runs in the blood

Mice drink more alcohol during the dark cycle compared to daytime.  The discovery made by scientists from  Portland Alcohol Research Center and The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at University of ...


Sexual orientation fluctuation correlated to alcohol misuse

Many young adults explore and define their sexual identity in college, but that process can be stressful and lead to risky behaviors. In a new study, students whose sexual self-definition didn't fall into exclusively heterosexual ...

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