
Immune cell death safeguards against autoimmune disease

Researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have discovered that a pair of molecules work together to kill so-called 'self-reactive' immune cells that are programmed to attack the body's own organs. The finding is ...


Pinpointing the origins of arthritis

(Medical Xpress) -- A large, RIKEN-led, international team of genome researchers has found nine new associations of gene regions or loci with the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis. The loci, found in ethnically Japanese ...


Protein may be key to psoriasis and wound care

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which skin cells proliferate out of control. For some hard-to-heal wounds, the problem is just the opposite: Restorative skin cells don't grow well or fast enough. In a paper published ...


A physician's guide for anti-vaccine parents

In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be vaccinated? During National Infant Immunization Week, a Mayo Clinic vaccine expert and a pediatrician ...

Medical research

Multi-layered armor protects body against immune failure

The human body incorporates multiple fail-safe mechanisms to protect it against the "friendly fire" from its immune system known as autoimmune disease, Charis Teh and colleagues at the John Curtin School of Medical Research ...

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