
Decision to give a group effort in the brain

A monkey would probably never agree that it is better to give than to receive, but they do apparently get some reward from giving to another monkey.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we root for the underdog?

We are often taught that it is better to be on the winning side than the losing side of a game, but sometimes that may not be the case. As it turns out, rooting for the underdog or being the underdog actually may be an advantage, ...


Expert urges cautious approach to ketamine use

Physicians and patients are excited about ketamine, the latest drug to treat depression, but Stanford psychiatrist Alan Schatzberg says we need to tread carefully.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Outside factors may help children develop internal control

The ability to control your own behavior, known as executive function, might not exist all in your head. A new theory proposes that it develops with many influences from outside the mind.

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