
Bioethics panel urges more gene privacy protection

It sounds like a scene from a TV show: Someone sends a discarded coffee cup to a laboratory where the unwitting drinker's DNA is decoded, predicting what diseases lurk in his or her future.


Dangerous experiment in fetal engineering

(Medical Xpress) -- A new paper just published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry uses extensive Freedom of Information Act findings to detail an extremely troubling off-label medical intervention employed in the U.S. on ...


Lessons learned from the 'ethical odyssey' of an HIV trial

In the battle against HIV/AIDS conditions on the frontlines are constantly in flux as treatment, research and policy evolve. The landmark HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 052 study, which established that antiretroviral ...


Public prefers limited informed consent process for biobanks

Biobanks are repositories for tissue samples, usually in the form of blood or saliva or leftover tissue from surgical procedures. These samples are collected and used for future research, including genetic research. They ...


Paper addresses ethics of bioethics conference in Qatar

The decision by a global bioethics association to hold its 2024 congress in Qatar, a nation with laws against LGBTQ+ people, has provoked controversy, including objections from some of its own members.


Reflection in medical education can lead to less burn-out

Drawing on its Jesuit Catholic heritage, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine has long understood the importance of reflection in medical education as a key element in physician formation. With physician burnout ...


LGBT bioethics: Visibility, disparities, and dialogue

Despite the legalization of same-sex marriage in 19 states and the District of Columbia and an executive order to prohibit federal contractors from discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees, ...


Healthcare ethics consultants share lessons learned

Healthcare ethics consultants are called upon in the most difficult of times; where do they turn for advice? The American Society For Bioethics and Humanities' Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs Committee (CECA) is taking ...

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