Medical research

Study reveals neural stem cells age rapidly

In a new study published in Cell Stem Cell, a team led by USC Stem Cell scientist Michael Bonaguidi, Ph.D., demonstrates that neural stem cells—the stem cells of the nervous system—age rapidly.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer causes premature ageing

Leukaemia promotes premature ageing in healthy bone marrow cells—according to new research from the University of East Anglia.

Medical research

Researchers detect age-related differences in DNA from blood

Researchers have discovered age- and health-related differences in fragments of DNA found floating in the bloodstream (not inside cells) called cell-free DNA (cfDNA). These differences could someday be used to determine biological ...

Medical research

Researchers discover drug cocktail that increases lifespan

A team of researchers led by Principal Investigator Dr. Jan Gruber from Yale-NUS College has discovered a combination of pharmaceutical drugs that not only increases healthy lifespan in the microscopic worm Caenorhabditis ...

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