Psychology & Psychiatry

Couples creating art or playing board games release 'love hormone'

When couples play board games together or take a painting class with each other, their bodies release oxytocin—sometimes dubbed the "hugging hormone." But men wielding paintbrushes released twice as much or more as the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Regular problem solving does not protect against mental decline

The well known 'use it or lose it' claim has been widely accepted by healthcare professionals, but researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ find that regularly doing problem solving activities throughout your lifetime ...


Using games to reduce drug errors

An educational board game designed to help frontline healthcare professionals to understand, recognise and minimise medication errors has been developed by Focus Games Ltd in partnership with academics from the School of ...


Specially developed Wii games can help prevent falls

New research, launched today and funded by the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI), shows that playing video games can help older people improve their balance and make them less likely to fall.

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